
中國轟炸機機組人員將來也會加入轟炸日軍的行列中去,為空中轟炸而準備的地面工作則是美國的空軍學校,比方說這裏的羅銳基地。圖中三名中國學員正在課上實際操作轟炸瞄準器。左起為:來自密蘇裏州聖路易斯的教授轟炸瞄準器維護的教官喬治·切赫下士,三名學員分別為張中尉、約翰·溫中尉、拉瑞·陳(Larry Chen)中尉。這天(1944年1月25日),中國的同胞們可能已經開始歡慶農歷新年了,而在這裏,美國空軍學校的中國學員們正忙於訓練,無暇過節。

Chinese bombardiers will in the future line up the cross-hairs of the bomb sights on hundreds of Jap targets,and much of the ground work for these operation is being laid in American air force schools,such as at Lowry.Here are three Chinese student at the field being instructed in the workings of abomb sight.Left to right:Corp.George F.Cech,from St.Louis and an instructor in bomb sight maintenance,and Lieuts.W.T.Chang,John Wen and Larry Chen.Oldsters in China may have celebrated today(Jan.25)as Chinese New Year,but Chinese students in the AAF training command schools here were too busy to observe the occasion.