

一群中國男女小孩擠上一輛吉普車,圍繞在一名美軍身邊。他們揮舞彩旗歡迎第一支由印度列多沿史迪威公路開來中國的車隊,同時也歡慶我方終於突破了日本對這條公路34個月的封鎖。這支具有歷史意義的車隊是眾多往昆明進發的車隊中中抵達目的地的第一支。由此,史迪威公路與中國內陸公路網對接,通向“自由中國”的四面八方。(譯注:“自由中國”(Free China)是冷戰期間西方國家對中華民國的稱呼。)

Supply Line Campaign in Burma

Chinese girl and boy scouts crowd onto ajeep,surrounding aU.S.officer,as they wave their flags of welcome for the first convoy to travel the new Stilwell Road and break the34-month siege of China.The historic convoy,first of many from China's Allies soldiers,approaches Kunming where the Stilwell Road connects with roads extending throughout free China.